It has been so cold today here that I was pleased that our schedule demanded a slow cooked casserole Chicken, Bacon and Potatoe tonight and it smelt delicious while I was reading my book and napping. Today was one of those days when you feel washed out after a busy stretch so I have found it hard to settle to task - so I tried something new. I have been trying and trying to teach myself to crochet. I want to make cute little flowers and granny squares and such. So I bought a book (the internet wasn't helping me) a bigger hook and some fat wool (I am hoping for some instant success) and I have resorted to mastering the stitches on something flat. So what do you make when you are learning -you guessed it a scarf. Well we shall see I might get bored before then. here is my start - I dont feel like I have any rhythm so I might have to go back to you tube but it might be like knitting where I am just a little unco but it works. I will keep you posted but if I were to place a bet - the book will be finished first.

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