Another set of school holidays finds me coughing and spluttering -what do you expect after two weeks of a child coughing all over you. We are having some lovely balmy days and enjoying a sampler of activities.
We have watched Hop at the movies - quite funny, we caught up with Cats and Dogs 2 and Annie on DVD (Both children now sing It's a Hard Knock Life while unpacking the dishwasher!! Pullease!)
Little Miss B and Sir TP doing sticker mosaics (Birthday gifts) oh also with their pet caterpillar Squirmy helping (apparently B will give him a new name when he turns into a butterfly).

I am catching up on some sewing which got abandoned and packed away during birthday parties (Squirmy was found on my sewing. He was the same colour as the green check fabric. He obviously jumped on me when we were examining our veggie patch and tried to hide while we were squashing the caterpillars on the broccoli. Now he has been labelled endangered by the kidlets and is a protected species. Too bad about the poor broccolli).

Little Miss B has been busy drawing on her blackboard (giving the environment a rest from her mountains of drawing on paper). Playing schools, and scootering. Sir TP, Miss B and me have also been working on his Codes and Signals badge. More later about that.

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