The hurdles I have experienced have been
- getting photos developed regularly and the right size and orientation. Solution -I succumbed and bought the sweetest little photo printer The Selphy CP800 bargain and so easy to use.
- Too many photos for Week 4 when we went camping so I did an insert page and again I succumbed and bought some 6x 12 page protectors (These only arrived yesterday) so that slowed me down a little too.
- Too many photos for Week 4 when we went camping so I did an insert page and again I succumbed and bought some 6x 12 page protectors (These only arrived yesterday) so that slowed me down a little too.
- As a result of buying a mixed pack of 60 pages from Project life I have had a group of pages with 4 square pockets which there is nothing in the Project life core kit to fit in them. Again I succumbed and having just used some blending scrapbook paper to start with I have bought some Project Life paper to do mini scrap layouts in these pockets.
- My supplies of alphas and embellishments is low so I am going to have to (you guessed it succymb one more time).
_One other hurdle I have come up is being smack bang in the middle of term and well and truly in routine I am finding it hard to find reasons to take photos. I am playing with a few different journalling techniques but wary of it becoming junky.
Anyway thats how it stands I have also kept completely up to date with my one line journal (soooo much easier) and I am slipping madly behind in my housework sighh. So embarassing have just had a tradesman out and I felt like I just kept moving Piles of junk around. Could so do with some enthusiasm to spice up the idea of tidying some of them up but sooo hard to find that mojo.