Now the great thing about camping is the time you really spend together. Once the kids get settled we spend some time playing games together. Game of choice this holiday was Rummikub which I believeis Gin Rummy without cards. The only problem is that I am very competitive and seldom lose

On the third day of our trip we drove to you guessed it Goolwa and rode along the Encounter bike path all the way to Port Elliott (where we ate ice cream well except for me:() It was a 20 km round trip so we were all tired after that.

Whilst relaxing Sir TP and I read The Key to Rondo which is an excellent young persons book and we will be looking out for more Emily Rodda. Hubby is working through Wicked (which is quite difficult reading) and I finished reading The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe to the children.

Tragedy did befall us when Miss B took a tumble off her bike and onto her head leaving a nasty graze and a lot of very loud tears and also the bandage she has been sporting for the last week.

But alls well that ends well and we packed up on Thursday to go back to not home, but you guessed it Goolwa on the way home.

We had one more little adventure there, But I am afraid that that is another story
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