Monday, January 24, 2011
Chronic Pin{ !!!}
Is there anything worse then seeing something cool and being told you cant have it. I got involved in pinterest today having heard about it and reading about it over at Tarisota. While looking I thought hey lets join and I have been declined - how mean! Now I am in pain and I just want it more.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The demise of the patchwork shop.
I have been meaning to do this post for a while but there has been so much happening here. Late last year I was deeply saddened when my favourite patchwork shop A stitch in Time Fullarton closed down its walk in store and went online. Now my less frequented but still liked The Patchwork Apple is closing down too. Taking with them any chance of my ever working in a Quilt shop fantasy. (I have always wanted to work amongst although those colours and quiltiness like a sugar free candy shop). South Australia is about to face a Quilt shop shortage forcing us to all spend our money online and make AUstralia Post smile. Only problem is where we will go to stitch and chat and share and learn. Sigh
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Still Hip Hip Holiday crafting
Warrawong Wonders
As you can see my children are very brave -but gosh it felt interesting! She was very friendly -which is more than we can say about the other animals who all hid out for the day. Still we had a nice walk, picnic and catch up with friends even if we didn't see many animals or find the geo cache (mummy not quite as good at the game as Daddy).
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
More Blythe sewing
Alittle trial sun dress for Angel -although I am in trouble for not making the pillow yet I will get there Miss B. She is so impatient and I sew very slowly. I have felt quite weary after a day out at Warrawong sanctuary yesterday fresh air is so exhausting. We just need to find Angel some shoes that stay on she has some converse and boots that slip off so if anyone knows of good fitting Blythe shoes let us know.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Yay Half finished
I hve finally finished stippling around this Christmas quilt - I know it is a bit late or maybe it is just really early. I have never done this before -so dont look too closely I am sure in ten years time I will look at it and think yuck But right now I feel very proud. Next up is binding. It is just a little warm for that at the moment so it might not be a finish this month we shall see
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Bubbles in my Garden
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Blythe Dress Disasters
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Guest Blogger - Angel
Bye for now.
Hip Holiday Crafts continued
PS I have a couple of Blythe projects to show next.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Floods and food
Monday, January 10, 2011
Little Peoples Sewing
Sir TP'S big finish
Loving this Book
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Dont Forget my 100th Post Giveaway
Angel (the Blythe doll) is presenting(but not part of) my giveaway - some Christmas fat quarters and a Leeannes house bag pattern. My giveaway will close on January 13th and is open to anyone who comments on a post since my 100th or who is a follower or becomes a follower(if I dont know who you are I cant give it to you!)
Working through his List
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Under my Machine
With the children home I have moved my machine out to the family room for companionship. In between little Blythe sewing I am working on Machine quilting the background of this Christmas quilt. It is slow and laborious -I have never done this before but it does look good so far. I hope to have it finished maybe for next year. We have had a quiet couple of days swimming with our cousins, a vacation care day at the gymnastics and today Sir TP has worked on a wooden plane model and Little Miss has played quietly with her dolls. I seem to have had another set back with the flu I have had but have slowly been taking down the Christmas decorations. What a job!!.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day 2 of our Hip Holiday Crafting
OK I know we have a little time lag here with this but other life does get in the way of holiday craft plus all the new presents we have!!! So this day we set about doing another of Tamar from Tarisota Crafts. We made hand and finger puppets. With a little heads up notice (the advantage of working a day behind) I purchased some crayola fabric markers - at less then $10 for 10 colours quite affordable. The colours were vibrant too. I set the kids up and let them go - encouraging them to plan first. Sir TP went for a collection of Moshi MOnsters. Miss B for a collection of Princesses and a Babushka. Sir TP was quite excited I let him sew his together -he did quite well but kept forgetting to put the pressure foot down to my chagrin. We had some friends drop around for a play and they made some too how fun!! And so simple. The kids are keen to make a felt playmat from Mel's blog I just need to think about the cost on that one. We have a few other plans for the next couple of days so we will see what happens
Blythe Pyjamas
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Our First Hip Holiday Project - Pencil tins
Yesterday we started some holiday crafting you can click on the badge on my sidebar to follow the link to Mel and Tmar who are running two weeks of childrens holiday crafts yay. Miss B of course chose the harder of the projects. She did a great job of managing my big grown up scissors and then a few big squeezes of the old school glue.
I had to use pegs to stabilise it because Miss B doesnt like pins - she managed half of the sewing component before she got tired. A bit more glue and VOILA
One finished flowery pencil pot. Well DOne! and a big thanks to Tamar and Mel for organising this - onto day two.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Relaxing School Holidays Start
Secret Santa 2010
I huge thankyou to Yvonne from Butterfly CHristmas
For my special gift and also to CHooky Blue for organising it it is so much fun. Here is the present I sent my Swapper

Monday, January 3, 2011
Our Christmas and New Years Ideas

Because I know I would like to see yours - here are some photos of

our christmas table setting

the children on their christmas play night

our new Arrival -Angel Miss B's first Blythe doll (apparently she already wants more and this is all because she is a fan of a blog called Bella and Blythe!!)
To finish with this is my New Years Resolutions
1. Blog more regularly - I always seem to blog lots stop, blog lots stop. I can do better.
2. Do more - I need to get up and do more - cooking, crafting, running, photos 2010 I lost my mojo I think I was lonely with Little Miss B gone -time to get over it and enjoy the possibility.
3. Give more - I am so blessed from God and more people should feel it.
Where did Dec 2010 go?

This year the children did the tree nearly completely by themselves with all of the house getting decorated in record time. this was neccesary as all of our other pre Christmas activities were somewhat later then usual. Our scouts breakup was mid December and was roller skating. I dragged out my old skates and got out there with the kids

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