This afternoon I was like everyone else anxiously watching the news of the floods in our very strange country which can have us unable to water a school oval for 7 years and then canoeing on the oval the next summer. Unfathomable. Having had a high tide line on our house ( one bricks worth) in December 2010 - i had forgotten how anxious my littlies might get so I quickly had to pull out a distraction. Thankfully we had just hired Disneys Alice in Wonderland and thanks to mel at Day to DAy and her Hip Holiday crafting we made Wagon Wheels, Sir TP liked watching the Marshmellow lose its form in the microwave and Little Miss B well she liked licking her fingers and eating it. Floods forgotten for now and I will just have to pray for our friends in Queensland alone tonight -although I am sure there will be others praying everywhere tonight.
I really hope you will all stay safe!