Tuesday, June 3, 2014

This is The Holy Family


This the Holy Family.....  And that is how this year began.
Last year Godly Play found me, I tried to ignore it but it was under my skin. I spent a whole lot of time reading about it, learning about it, dabbling badly in it when it sort of fit in our current sunday church program and at homes and finally I did some training to really understand this philosophy and style of faith formation.

Let me tell you it's not for the faint hearted, in fact for me it is almost a lifestyle choice. A decision to fully soak myself and most of my family in Gods stories and to look at where we are in the stories. After a lot of prayer and preparation this year we have been running Godly Play sessions at church. I have so valued the support of others online in this community that I thought I should give back with some of our experiences some good, some bad. Godly Play is a slow process, it is slow to learn, slow to deliver, slow to reap rewards and when you start from scratch the room builds oh so slow. I have long prayed for more patience, and lament that God won't just give it to me but demands I practice and hone it. How much would I like to say that after 6 months of Godly Play it came easy to me and my team, that we always achieved a state of "Godly Play" but we are all still learning and each time is so different.

So where am I in the story of the Holy Family, well perhaps I was a sheep but perhaps now I'm leaning towards the shepherd or at least one with 'L' plates

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicky, I love the way you put this: "it's not for the faint hearted, in fact for me it is almost a lifestyle choice." I am so thankful that you and your team are still going at it, even though it has not been easy. You, your team, and the children will at some point be able to look back and see how the process has changed you in a positive way. Many blessings for the journey ahead! May we continue to be sources of encouragement for one another!
