Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 3 School Holidays

Day 2 looked alot like day 1 - more sleep, sneezing and pyjamas. But Little Miss B was much brighter by the evening. Day 3 has been cold, dark but lots of good company. Our cousins have been here all day and there has been a lot of painting, drawing, imaginative play and wii /ds games and boisterous boy banter (and they say girls can talk). This has left me with time to make comfort food for a cold night. Stew and dumplings in the slow cooker and cinnamon scrolls. yes there are a few missing from the photo - my sister couldnt resist and ate them at after work pick up. I think that makes me officially the best vacation care in Australia. Well I am off now for a cup of tea and my scroll - lucky for me I have frozeb half the mixture ready to go for a few days time - when no sisters will be dropping by to eat the spoils.


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